Monday, 10 March 2014

                            Thinking about dropping out, Maybe this can Change your mind!

Computer Science Salary

Job in computer science has continue to grow, so you do not have to  worry about having a degree and no job. Visit,

You will see there are lot of job in this field. When I searched  I got  674 total jobs found.

So code hard and you can have better future. This is a video to all the hard coder out their.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Make a website using DreamWeaver 8

Step 1: Click on the HTML, it will take you to the blank page where you going to insert the table.

Step 2: Go to insert then table, then you will choose how many row and column you want to use. Insert the Table.

Step 3: You will go to the folder where  you save your project and create a subfolder called Image, this folder is where you are going to put all your images you want to use for your website.

Step 4: Start Add the text to the table and insert the picture to the table too.

Step 5: if you want to insert a video, you will click on the spot where you want to insert the video, go to file,view, then click code, it will show u were to paste bunch of code. To insert a video from youtube, After you click on the video you would like to use, then you will click embeded, this will give you bunch of code, copy it, and go back to dreamweaver 8, where you left off and paste the code. Go back to the design view. You should find the video their. Open your project in your web browser to make sure it is their.

The video below is the tutorial to dreamweaver 8, follow his video and you will get it.